An Urgent Crisis:
The white minority population of South Africa is under attack. Since the end of apartheid, at least 70,000 white South Africans have been murdered, including 3,000 South African farmers whose murder rate is now the highest in the world. While denying that the rampant torture, rape and murder of white farmers is genocide, Government officials of the ruling ANC party have been caught chanting “Kill the Boer” while other black leaders have openly threatened outright slaughter of white Afrikaners. Accordingly, Genocide Watch has placed South African whites on their list of groups vulnerable to genocide. The election of President Cyril Ramaphosa and the South African parliament’s recent vote to seize white lands means civil war may be close at hand.
Suidlanders is a civil organization organized under Geneva Convention Protocols I & II which make specific provision for identifiable ethnic groups of civilian non-combatants threatened by conflicts to gather together to claim protection under international law.
Suidlanders seek to raise awareness of the Afrikaner plight and to solicit support for Suidlanders’ plan for saving as many lives as possible should the unthinkable occur.
There’s much to do. We need your support.